agreed, cacophony is a good event.
critical theater: wavering banshee moans and yowls over low strung guitar feeding corrupt and dying circuitry. i have a personal noise bias against guitar, so methinks i didn't enjoy this as much as i should have. i fully enjoyed the crackle and popping of signal loss.
robotic daly: there seems to be a disjointed math guiding the movements here, recreating chirping birds being run over by grimey unlubricated steam shovels, boiling hot geysers rupturing into the local mall and fresh, out of the oven pie. fucking love it.
sisprum vish: unless i'm mistaken this was the first time i've seen glamorous pat live, and thankfully he surpassed my wary expectations by leaps and bounds. here was a glimpse into the fetid living quarters of a marginally functional alien family screaming at one another in gutteral howls, peeps, shrieks and slapping sweaty fat over a pushed to distortion television sports program in which human babies are being disembowled through a vocoder carrying feel good, lithium induced "inspirational" music interspersed with grunting animal sex sounds.
the sunken: the sunken were sadly lacking in the volume i like to hear them at. table placement may have contributed to this as we were between the speakers [still throwing out into the room] and not getting the full brunt of things... i pretty much draw an analog between the sunken and military bagpipe music, after it gets ahold of me all i want to do is go apeshit. i was totally left wanting more. if i'm squashed like a bug you guys should play my fucking funeral, and if it's in a church do so until the windows are blown out and the then bust out the black paint, orders of the corpse.
swte: sleeping with the earth punctured a visceral wall that lies within the back of my mind, not so silent plains devoid of human interaction. the dante's inferno imagery was a really nice touch, routing the senses into dry heavy air and smeared ethereal filth. the look inside the simmering mind of an isolated man on the path of introspection, dotted with a well articulated landscape of deep unseen dangers while chewing through the shackles on your legs.
view: a little bit more aggression and a streamlined setup led to a shorter set. i ditched everything digital and strayed a bit from drones, having a hand at pummeling the electrons into going full circuit in an unrelenting obstacle course. i feel that the weak electrons were sufficiently weeded out, which led to a higher quality over my usual sound. recorded direct to NOS BASF CR E II cassette, which surprised me enough to consider rotating my cassette machine more often.
conure: good crawling drones. speculating toothy serpents veiled in a murky haze and dripping cobblestone city after nightfall. zombies, not yet having found flesh on which to feast, wandering and bumping into things around you. i feel it was a bit long for the time slot, as the evening progresses my attention span wanes and a drone treads thin ice. perhaps more volume would have helped, but i think being captivated by conure's perpetual nuance would be better fit for earlier hours or sensory enhancers [which i generally tend to avoid].
josh hydeman: i'm really glad we wound up swapping slots, because this was a fitting end to the show. i do feel kind of robbed because there were no shirts pronouncing "i saw josh hydeman freak the fuck out while his wang dangled out the leg hole of a pair of pink short shorts". there's also the pesky fact that due to a string of equipment issues, there was very little in the way of noise here. after gawking at some of his equipment beforehand [heh], i was vastly disappointed to not hear it in action for more than a brief slice of time.
thanks again ogo for putting this on! i'll definitely have to make it out for more of these.
Edited by: crochambeau at: 5/28/06 8:56 am